All aboard, and snuggle up beneath a little piece of railway history. The proud ancestor of this woolen beauty graced Pullman sleeper cars of the early 1900's and were a staple as passengers romanced the rails sprawling from coast to coast. A conversation piece ebbing with folklore, this blanket is a limited edition and a meaningful keepsake for anyone inspired by wanderlust. Wool & cotton. 71 X 50". Enduring bestseller.
All aboard, and snuggle up beneath a little piece of railway history. The proud ancestor of this woolen beauty graced Pullman sleeper cars of the early 1900's and were a staple as passengers romanced the rails sprawling from coast to coast. A conversation piece ebbing with folklore, this blanket is a limited edition and a meaningful keepsake for anyone inspired by wanderlust. Wool & cotton. 71 X 50". Enduring bestseller.